Nov 15, 2008

Debian note, installation

Today, I installed debian in my virtual machine. To learn more about development in Linux environment. And from now on, I will try my best to write blog in English, it is a good practice for my write skill. :)

First, download a ISO file form;
the path of the ISO file is, It is a image for net installation.

Finished installation, edit /etc/apt/sources.list, add an update source in the following form:
deb http://host/debian distribution section1 section2 section3 deb-src http://host/debian distribution section1 section2 section3
for example:
deb stable main contrib non-free

I select a mirror in Taiwan to do the installation. Use the command like: apt-get install package.

Install R language. It is a free statistical programming language.
apt-get install r-base

Install mySQL:
#apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev

And Vim should also be reinstalled to get full version.