Oct 15, 2008

Learning python 读书笔记 PART 6

PART 6: Classes and OOP
Chapter 19. OOP: The Big Picture
classes: instance factories, data + function
Instances: represent the concrete items in a program's domain
attributes searching at runtime, lower level to higher level
Coding Class Trees
Class C1(C2, C3): multiple inheritance
Attributes --> class  :  assignments made within class statements
Attributes --> instances  :  assignments to self inside class statements
>>> class C1:
    def setname(self, who):
        self.name = who       
>>> I1 = C1()
>>> I1.setname('xyz')
>>> print I1.name
initialization: def __init()

Chapter 20. Class Coding Basic
Class: namespace, generating multiple objects, namespace inheritance, operator overloading
Module: namespace
Classes VS. Instances
Class objects probide default behavior:
attributes functions --> class <-- a class name
Instance Objects are concrete items:
call a class object like a function makes a new instance object
each instance object inherits class attributes and gets its own namespace
a new attribute can be generated on the instance
Classes are customized by Inheritance
classes and modules:
from module1 import Class1
class Class2(Class1): ...
Classes can intercept Python Operators
def __init__(self, value): ...
def __add__(self, other):
    return ...
def __mul__(self. other):
    self.data = ...

Chapter 21. Class Coding Details
The Class Statement
class <name>(superclass,...):
    data = value
    def method(self, ...):
instance.method(args...) == class.method(instance, args ...)
Calling superclass constructors:
class Sub(Super):
    def __init__(self, x):
        Super.__init__(self, x)
Abstract superclasses:
class Super:
    def method(self): ...
    def delegate(self):
    def action(self):
        assert 0, 'action must be defined!'
Operator Overloading
__init__: Constructor
__del__: destructor
__add__, __radd__, __iadd__: +, right-side + , +=
__or__:  |
__repr__,__str__ : printing
__call__ : X()
__getattr__ : X.a
__setattr__ : X.a = value
__getitem__ : X[key], for loops, in tests
__setitem__ : X[key] = vlaue
__cmp__, __lt__, __eq__
user-defined iterators
def __init__(self, start, stop):
def __iter__(self)
    return self
def next(self)
__getattr__ and __setattr__ catch attribute references
__getattr__: is not called if Python can find the attribute, used to deal with undefined attributes
__setattr__: if defined, self.attr = value --> self.__setattr__('attr', value)
    self.__dict__['name'] = x
__repr__ VS. __str__
>>>x  :  run __repr__
>>>print x  :  run __str__
>>>x + 1 #__add__
>>>1 + y #__radd__
__call__:  x(attr)
__del__: run automatically when an instance's space is being reclaimed
Namespaces: The Whole Story
instance -- __class__ --> class
class -- __base__ --> higher superclasses

Chapter 22. Designing with Classed
Python and OOP
inheritance polymorphism encapsulation
Overloading by Call Signatures
*class C:
     def meth(self, x): ...    #a
     def meth(self, x, y):...  #b
 a will overwrited
*class C:
     def meth(self, *args):
          if len(args) == 1: ...
*class C:
     def meth(self, x):
Classed as Records
OOP and Inheritance: "is-a" relationship
OOP and Composition: "has-a" relationship
OOP and Delegation
Multiple Inheritance
search process depth-first all the way to the top
Classes are objects: Generic Object Factories
apply function:
def factory(aClass, *args)
    return apply(aClass, args)
Methods are objects: Bound or Unbound
Unbound: class, no self
object1 = Spam()
t = Spam.doit
t(object1, 'lalal')
bound: instance, self + function pairs
object1 = Spam()
x = object1.doit
Documentation String Revisited
import docstr
a.__doc__, a.b.__doc__
Class Versus Modules
they are both namespacefiles
Are data/logic packages
Are created by writing Python or C extensions
Are used by imported
Implement new objects
Are created by class statements
Are used by being called
Always live within a module